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  • Bakugan Cards

    The bakugan game is played with two types of cards. There are gate cards which are the thick ones that the bakugan pop open on and there are the ability cards which are the thinner regular cards that are played during the game to affect gameplay.

    In a normal game each player needs 3 gate cards as well as 3 ability cards to play (in addition to 3 bakugan). The gate cards and the abilty cards are color coded (some older cards are not) and to play you need one of each of the three colors. Gate cards come in gold, silver and bronze/copper. Ability cards come in red, blue and green.

    In the short time that bakugan has been out, they have come out with a few different card sets. There is a 1-15a set, a 1-48 set, 1-48b set, 1-48c set, 1-48d set, 1-48e set, 1-8f set, 1-48i set,1-4m set and 1-48n set. In addition there is an older set that isn't numbered this way and you will see an "hsp" value in the bottom corner. The 'hsp" value was used in the past to determine a winner but the rules have since changed. These cards can still be used but the "hsp" value is just ignored. There also have been a few promo cards that have been released.

    The 1-48 set came out with Series 2. The "b" set came out when the bakupearl series came out. I also believe the "c" set came out with the bakuclear set and the "d" set came out with the bakuswap set. The "e" set came out with the Bakuneon set. The "i" card set came out with the BakuBronze series. The "f" set came with Bakugan Traps and Special Attacks. The "n" set comes with the ?? series. The "m" set came with the newest Bakugan Traps and Special Attacks. The "hsp" cards came out with series 1. If anyone can correct my information or add to it then please send me an email to admin at bakuganbuzz.com.

    Bakugan Card Back Bakugan Cards

    Here is the back of an American version card. They are orange. The foreign versions are black with colored balls on them. Most people do not like nor do they allow in play the foreign versions.

    Below I will list the 5 main sets plus promo cards and add more when i get more information. Note that there are cards in the first series that only has English versions, and there are some that have English and French versions.

    Click on the set you are interested in to view all the cards in that set.

    1-48 Card Set
    1-15a Card Set
    1-48b Card Set
    1-48c Card Set
    1-48d Card Set

    1-48e Card Set
    1-8f Card Set

    1-48i Card Set

    1-4m Card Set
    1-48n Card Set
    1-4o Card Set
    1-3p Card Set

    1-48q Card Set 1
    1-48q Card Set 2
    1-3aa Card Set
    1-3ab Card Set
    1-4ab Card Set
    1-4ac Card Set
    1-3ad Card Set

    1-2ab Card Set
    1-1ag Card

    1-48ah Card Set

    1-4sa Card Set
    1-7sa Card Set

    1-4ai Card Set

    Season 3: Gundalian Invaders Card Sets
    battlegear card back Bakugan Cards2010 brought on a new season for the Bakugan series, named Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders. This new season not only brought out new Core Bakugan, Battle Gears, and Super Assualt Bakugan. It also brought out new sets of cards, with a new design and a blue back for the Battle Gear cards:

    1-48a Card Set
    1-48b Card Set
    1-48c Card Set
    1-48d Card Set
    1-47e Card Set *missing pics*
    1-6a Battle Gear Card Set
    1-4b Battle Gear Card Set
    1-4c Battle Gear Card Set
    1-6d Battle Gear Card Set

    1-6a Super Assault Card Set *incomplete*
    1-6a Special Evolution Card Set *incomplete*
    1-5b Special Evolution Card Set *incomplete*
    1-4a Stealth Series Card Set
    1-2b Stealth Series Card Set

    Season 4: Mechtanium Surge Card Sets
    Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge started on February 2011, and the first wave of Bakugan collection and cards came with it. Here are the card sets, with a new design, different from the previous seasons:

    1-48f Card Set
    1-48g Card Set
    1-48h Card Set

    1-10a Trap Card Set *incomplete*
    1-4a Mobile Assault Card Set
    1-4a Battle Suit Card Set
    1-1b Battle Suit Card Set

    1-4a Mechtogan Card Set
    1-4a Advanced Mechtogan Card Set
    1-2c Mechtogan Titan Card Set
    1-5d Mechtogan Card Set *incomplete*
    1-5e Mechtogan Card Set *incomplete*
    1-2f Mechtogan Titan Card Set
    Mechtogan Activator Cards
    Mechtogan Titan Activator Cards

    BakuTech Cards (Japan exclusive)
    Undoubtedly one of the greatest innovations from Sega Toys for Bakugan fans is the BakuTech series. Sadly, this is only released in Japan. So are the cards, of course. We've managed to gather some of these cards to share, and in sharing it, please give your almighty appreciation to Rhivana and Bakugan Wikia!

    BakuTech GOLD Gate Cards
    BakuTech SILVER Gate Cards
    BakuTech COPPER Gate Cards

    BakuTech BLUE Ability Cards
    BakuTech GREEN Ability Cards
    BakuTech RED Ability Cards

    Promo Card Sets
    Card Sleeves Exclusive 6 Card Set
    BakuBinder Exclusive 3 Card Set
    Series 1 HSP Card Set
    Promo Card Set
    1-18McD Promo Card Set
    1-5BCon (BakuCon) Card Set

    ** All Cards Listed in Alphabetical Order **

    Bakugan Cards Deka

    Walmart sold exclusive big-sized Gate cards officially called the Bakugan Cards Deka in 2009. The pack also comes with a regular-sized Bakugan.

    Card Packs and Packaging

    Besides the cards that come in the packaging with bakugan, you can also purchase just cards in one of three packages.

    Bakugan Card Booster Pack Bakugan Cards

    The Card Booster Pack contains 5 Bakugan Cards and retails for $3. The cards seem to be a mix of all the sets.

    Card Power Pack   pyrus Bakugan Cards

    The Card Power Pack contains 10 cards and retails for $5. This pack includes 1 special foil ability card and one special holographic ability card. The cards seem to be a random mix from all the sets.

    Card Power House Bakugan Cards

    The Card Power House contains 30 cards and retails for $13-15. Six of the 30 cards inside are special cards. Two are foil ability cards, two are holographic ability cards and two are lenticular ability cards. Again these cards seem to be a random mix from all of the card sets. The car box holds about 100 cards.

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