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  • Bakugan Special Attack Booster Packs

    There have been some "special attack" booster packs released. These seem to retail for about $7.99. So far I have only seen 4 different bakugan types ( hydranoids, preyas, skyress and delta dragonoid II ) but they have come in many different attributes/colors and styles. The hydranoids and dragonoids special ability are "heavy metal" which means they have a "chrome" metal ring around the middle of them. The Preyas special ability is element or g-power changing.( these are the two different types available ) So when the preyas pops open the dial randomly has spun and determined a element or g power. The Skyress special ability is jumping. The jumping ability i havent a clue about as the skyress seems to look and work just like a normal one. If anyone knows then please send an email to admin at bakuganbuzz.com

    Hydranoid clear pyrus Bakugan Special Attack Booster PacksThere are hydranoids which have come in clear that is highlighted in an attribute color and contains the appropriate attribute symbol. There is also pearl/white hydranoids that are also highlighted in an attribute color and contains the appropriate attribute symbol. Finally there have been reverse color hydranoids where the main color is now what used to be the highlight color for the attribute and the highlight color is what the main attribute color usually is. For example there is a reverse darkus hydranoid which is purple with black highlights. Normally a darkus would be black with purple highlights.These have a metal/chrome ring/band around the center of the marble. These have only come in the original 29mm size

    Delta Dragonoid II clear ventus Bakugan Special Attack Booster PacksThere are delta dragonoid II's that come in clear that is highlighted in an attribute color and contains the appropriate attribute symbol. There is also pearl/white delta dragonoid II's that are also highlighted in an attribute color and contains the appropriate attribute symbol. Finaly there are reverse color delta dragonoid II's where the main color and highlight color are swapped from their normal attribute color scheme. The have a small metal/chrome ring around the middle or the marble. These have only come in the original 29mm size.

    Preyas   clear darkus g power changing Bakugan Special Attack Booster PacksThere are preyas that that come in clear that is highlighted in an attribute color and contains the appropriate attribute symbol. There is also pearl/white preyas that are also highlighted in an attribute color and contains the appropriate attribute symbol. Each of the above styles comes in an element change version and a g power change version. The element change version randomly changes its attribute symbol. The g power version randomly changes its g power. These have only come in the original 29mm size.

    Skyress   aquos special attack jumping Bakugan Special Attack Booster PacksThere are skyress that come in pearl/white that are highlighted in an attribute color and contains its respective attribute symbol. There are also regular colored versions. The packaging refers to the special ability of "jumping". I dont have one personally so im not sure exactly what this jumping skyress does or how it is different from the original normal skyress. If you have any info to share please email me at admin at bakuganbuzz.com

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